Saturday, November 24, 2012

A few tips on creating a good base for your makeup

Hey everyone!! So today I want to talk about, creating a good base for you makeup to be put on. It is key to know what is going on your face and creating the correct balance and good palette to work with! So here it is :) 

1. Make sure your face is clean, don't use a product that will dry out your skin or make it greasy. BALANCE is KEY! 
2. Use a toner after you wash your face, will balance out your skin 
3. Make sure to use a moisturizer!! You DONT want your face to be dry and flaky when putting on makeup, it will deff. be bad....
4. Put a nice lip balm on before putting any sort of lip pencil or lipstick on, will help prevent cracking! 

1. ALWAYS take off your makeup before you go to bed! Leaving your makeup on ages your skin 7 days!! YES, 7 days! So for every night you sleep in your makeup you are aging your skin! NOT GOOD!! 
2. Never tweeze your eyebrows right before putting on your makeup. Always do it the night before or day before to prevent redness and blotchiness! 

Well I think thats it for some do's and dont's and some tips and tricks to getting that perfect makeup application. 

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